Santa Cruz, California, October 28th, 2014

Santa Cruz, California, October 28th, 2014

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Dionne Warwick, friends and edit...

I'm leaving tomorrow at 5:30am , that's AM, for a flight to Toronto, then on to Denver. From Denver, an angel will pick me up and take me to Colorado Springs for the weekend!!

Jane Austin will be feted while I'm in The Springs.

Then on Monday, another angel is driving me to Albuquerque...via???


Redheads, you have NO IDEA how THA-RILLLLLED I am to be merely driving through that town, let alone stopping for lunch and a teensy bit of shopping.

From there, on to Albuquerque (ABQ), then, from ABQ, my 'Tour With Ted and Evie' begins.

God is SOOOOO good. He's blessed me with people who will share their home and their Navajo culture and answer a tonne of questions. I am over the moon!! And yes, I will be documenting everything. I even have a voice recorder on my phone. Insert grin here.

Feel free to start praying for them NOW.

After that, I take the train from Gallup to ABQ, then I get to meet an online friend I've "known" for years. Yet another reason to be excited.

Overnight in ABQ, then fly back to Denver, and another angel will take me back to The Springs. Or COS as they say.

I fly home on the 27th and flop for a few days.

Then back to work.


* that online friend is a girl,in case anyone is curious. NOT a Russian millionaire named Igor...


  1. "teensy bit of shopping" ...... Oh goodie, goodie, goodie!!!!
    Have a fabulous time!

  2. Looking forward to you blogging about your adventure!

  3. LOL! I liked the Russian millionaire angle more. ;)

    Here's hoping you are having the time of your life and getting all the info/research you could hope for, and more! (You must be like a kid in a candy store.)
